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Second Scientific Conference “Kratoshija – Wine Heritage in the Balkans”

On 26 April 2023 at the M6 Educational Centre, the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje held a second scientific conference titled“Kratoshija – Wine Heritage in the Balkans”with the aim of promoting and affirming the Balkan wine variety Kratoshija. At the conference, this long-existing variety was presented as a symbol of the close interconnection of the Balkan people and a witness to common traditions and cultural heritage.

Eminent scientific experts from the country and the region (Italy, Slovenia and Montenegro) from the fields of viticulture and oenology held speeches at the conference, sharing their experiences and research related to Kratoshija. The conference was attended by representatives from the scientific and educational field, UKIM, governmental institutions and organizations, the viticulture and oenology sectors, the diplomatic corps and other affected persons and organizations.

The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Viktor Gjamovski, Director of the UKIM Institute of Agriculture, who stressed the importance of science and scientific knowledge as the greatest hope and perspective for the economic development of the country. Only continuous investment in scientific research can result in clear answers to the challenges we face today, such as climate change, the environment, food security and economic crises.

The Institutes of Viticulture and Oenology are constantly working on the introduction and collection of autochthonous, regional and international varieties and study their agrobiological and technological characteristics in different wine-producing areas in order to improve the assortment and the viticulture and oenology sectors in general in the country, including scientific research on the Kratoshija variety presented at today's conference.

At the beginning of the event, a speech was held by the Rector of UKIM, Prof. Dr. Nikola Jankulovski, who stressed the significance of the oldest university in our country – UKIM as a place where the scientific and ethical values of society develop, knowledge and moral standards strengthen and improve and national identity is built and preserved. He particularly stressed the importance of research-scientific activities in agriculture, as the primary activity of the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje, which are of utmost importance, not only for the socioeconomic development of rural environments but also for the whole country.

Prof. Dr. Klime Beleski from the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje and Prof. Dr. Vesna Marash from the Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences at the University of Montenegro spoke about the origin, ampelographic and agrobiological characteristics as well as the clonal selection of the Kratoshija variety, especially highlighting its heterogeneity and the differences between Vranec and Kratoshija as the main topic in the sector.

Dr. Dusko Nedelkovski from the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje discussed ampelotechnical measures leading to improvement in the quality of the Kratoshija variety by focusing on yield reduction and defoliation of plantations. He also talked about the impact of climate change that requires adaptation of the measures for cultivation of vineyards. 

Dr. Milena Taseska Gjorgievski from the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje discussed the chemical composition and sensor analysis made on the basis of wine samples of the Kratoshija variety. Despite the specification of all wine producers of this variety, mainly due to the applied technology and wine vintage, she generally described the wines from this variety as with medium coloured intensity, excellent harmony of components, moderate astringency and a high percentage of alcohol and total acids.  

Dr. Pasquale Venerito from the Center of Research, Experimentation and Training in Agriculture “Basile Caramia” in Locorotondo, Italy described the historical path and characteristics of the Kratoshija variety and wines in Italy, known under the synonym – Primitivo.

In the last presentation, Prof. Dr. Natasha Steiner from the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana explained the molecular characterization of the varieties of grape vine (Vitis vinifera L.) which has been done with the Western Balkan countries. Along with the researchers at the conference, she agreed that research on this variety should continue in order to promote and affirm this variety in the Balkans.   

The event concluded with a presentation and tasting of Kartoshija wines from several wineries in the country.

Gallery from the event