About the studies

In the global economy, food quality, standards, application of good agricultural practices, processing of agricultural products, storage and marketing are all aspects of utmost importance to agricultural producers, and hence central to education in the field of agriculture.

During the education and training process, all new trends in the educational process and their socio-economic importance should be considered. Also, greater care for the protection of the environment and natural resources are just as important as topics that should be included in the curriculum, such as plant protection and integrated pest management, rational use of fertilizers, etc. Participants in the sector must possess modern knowledge and skills to adopt a modern attitude towards sustainable agricultural and rural development.

During the adjustment period of the Institute to modern agricultural needs, rural development and environmental protection identified during years of work and communication with practice, the need to supplement the existing second cycle of studies at the Institute of Agriculture rises. The proposed study program belongs to the field of agriculture and veterinary sciences. Its staff, along with the staff from related institutions, cover several current areas of plant production and processing.

The second cycle of studies is organized in line with the criteria of the Bologna Declaration. The master’s studies at the Institute of Agriculture are accredited, and the lecturing process is conducted in Macedonian.

The Institute of Agriculture has continuously held training courses, seminars and training adapted for various target groups.