The library functions as a separate unit within the Institute of Agriculture. It has existed since the establishment of the Institute and has experienced a steady rise in its work. It works according to applicable international library standards and is a repository of knowledge, offering resources and information essential for research, academic studies and practical application in various agricultural disciplines.
The library has a large collection of books, journals, research papers and other library units related to agriculture and related sciences. These resources offer support to the teaching staff and students in their academic endeavours, enabling them to stay updated with the latest achievements, methodologies and practices in agriculture.
In addition, the library often plays a key role in facilitating access to databases and online journals, allowing institute members to conduct in-depth research, analyze data and improve their understanding of agricultural concepts and innovations.
It serves as a centre for dissemination of information, creating an environment suitable for learning, innovation and promotion of knowledge within the Institute of Agriculture– Skopje.
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