About the Scientific activity

The Institute of Agriculture – Skopje as a highly scientific research institution is dedicated to promoting science and practices in agriculture through innovative research, continuous education and technology transfer, thus establishing a strong interaction between science and practice.

It is constantly evolving and changing, adapting to current social, technological, environmental, teaching-educational, scientific and other conditions and aspects, all important for the teaching-scientific institution, as well as the economy, farmers and food consumers.

Guided by the principles of sustainable agricultural production as the foundation for food security, biodiversity conservation and natural resources, the Institute is at the forefront of promoting sustainable agricultural practices, including agroecological measures and organic agricultural production.

The mission of the Institute is to implement modern research initiatives that modernize agricultural production through introduction and creation of high-yielding varieties with improved resistance to diseases and pests and suitability for cultivation in specific agro-ecological conditions. Current research is aimed at developing integrated systems for disease and pest management, thus promoting biological control methods for reduced pesticide use and increased resilience of agricultural systems.

As a result of significant soil degradation due to industrialization, urbanization, unsustainable practices in agriculture, and the like, the Institute focuses on developing practices for sustainable soil management and protection of soil health. This approach ensures the maintenance of organic matter in the soil as well as improvement of the overall fertility for optimized agricultural production, which affects the overall human well-being.

Maintaining seed collections of genetic material from agricultural crops is essential for improving varietal characteristics, preserving biodiversity and rural tradition, in which the Institute plays a key role in the country through the preservation and management of plant genetic resources in its capacities.

The scientific and educational programs of the Institute of Agriculture allow access to knowledge of innovative technologies and good practices for sustainable and efficient agricultural production, encouraging young people to live in rural areas and consider agricultural production as a profession.

The Institute of Agriculture performs agroeconomic analyses in agriculture aimed at rational use of resources, optimizing investment and analysing economic impacts on agriculture, including adaptation to climate change as key factors for improving the socioeconomic condition of rural households and agricultural companies. Considering the modern understanding of rural development that surpasses the concept of agriculture and food production as being the only functions of the rural economy and moving towards a broader concept that includes all resources in rural areas, including non-agricultural activities, the Institute is working towards the improvement of management and use of benefits offered by available resources in rural areas, as a prerequisite for improving the well-being of the rural population.

The active collaboration with national and international partners, state agencies, the non-governmental and private sectors is with the goal of combining resources to meet global challenges in the agricultural sector.

All in all, the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje is a dynamic scientific-research center which contributes significantly to the development of innovative solutions to challenges faced by the agricultural sector. Through a multidisciplinary approach, commitment and sustainability, the Institute plays a key role in creating the future of the Macedonian agriculture, providing safe food and fostering community well-being.