Scientific Council

Members of the Scientific Council are persons elected in teaching-scientific and scientific titles. The Secretary also participates in the work of the Scientific Council, without the right to make decisions.

Competences and decisions of the Scientific Council. It:

  • enacts the statute of the Institute;
  • adopts/ develops a three-year development and an annual work program;
  • elects a director and submits the decision for election to the Senate for confirmation;
  • elects a deputy director;
  • elects members of the Senate;
  • proposes study programs to the Senate;
  • adopts a scientific-research program;
  • elects scientific and teaching-scientific titles and collaborators;
  • proposes enrolment quota for second and third cycle of studies;
  • decides on the timetable of work tasks for teachers and associates for each academic year;
  • adopts the financial plan and final account (financial annual report) as part of the sole financial plan of the University and consolidated final account of the University;
  • proposes to the University, its founder, only when determined by law, amendments or extension of the activity in accordance with the law;
  • passes the general acts of the Institute;
  • adopts measures for creation and professional development of the younger teaching-scientific staff and establishment of work with particularly successful and talented students;
  • adopts measures and decides on upgrading teaching, teaching-scientific and applicative work and the computer network;
  • elects and dismisses the secretary of the Institute;
  • elects members of the Self-Evaluation Commission and issues guidelines for evaluation of the Institute in accordance with the Rules of Standards and Procedure for Self-Evaluation and Supervisory Evaluation adopted by the National Council for Higher Education and the University's Guidelines;
  • decides on the library, the library information system and the realization of library- informational and documentary activities in accordance with the Statute of the University and this Statute;
  • decides on the organization of international gatherings, symposiums, counselling and similar activities;
  • decides on the realization of international collaboration in accordance with the Statute of the University and this Statute;
  • considers the initiative for an early termination of an election;
  • approves work absences of teaching and associate staff;
  • determines the need for new teaching-scientific and assistant positions;
  • announces a call for the first selection of teaching-scientific, scientific and honorary titles and collaborators and the establishment of a working relationship of persons selected for the first time in the corresponding title, except for the honorary titles;
  • grants teachers and collaborators consent to teach at another faculty;
  • gives an opinion to the Senate for granting teachers and collaborators of the Institute consent to teach at another university;
  • elects its representatives of the Committee on collaboration and public trust;
  • elects members of the Disciplinary committee for students’ responsibility;
  • upon prior approval from the Rector’s board, it can invite visiting professors, distinguished scientists and practitioners;
  • concludes collaboration agreements with foreign universities in accordance with the Law on Higher Education;
  • decides on the conclusion of contracts for a double degree or a joint degree in accordance with the Law on Higher Education;
  • organizes different forms of informal learning in accordance with the Law on Higher Education;
  • selects members of boards of reviewers and other committees;
  • decides to initiate a director-selection procedure;
  • appoints an election commission to implement the procedure for selecting a director;
  • adopts rules of procedure for the bodies of the Institute;
  • performs other actions established by law, the University Statute, this Statute and other acts of the University and the Institute.