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Sequestration and storage of CO2 from the atmosphere to improve soil quality

Implementation period: 2023 – 2026

Coordinator: prof. Dushko Mukaetov, PhD (

Department of Pedology and Agrochemistry

Interreg Euro-MED Territorial diagnosis и SWOT анализите ја препознаваат деградацијата на почвата како една од значајните закани за стабилноста со храна во Медитеранскиот регион. Постојат голем број на податоци кои укажуваат на сигнификантно намалување на содржината на органската материја кај почвите од регионот на Медитеранот, во најголем дел како резултат на интензивното земјоделско производство во периодот на 20 век.

Carbon4SoilQuality project will result in knowledge and base for future research of sustainable soil management, called CO2 Agriculture. Through the project activities, a strategy and tools will be developed for the process of carbon accumulation in the soil and their testing in 5-7 different locations. The benefits of the research will be directly useful to the farmers, professional services, etc.

Through the acceptance and proper implementation of the project activities with the direct involvement of the academic staff of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, the capacities of the involved scientific institution will be improved. Further education for carbon sequestration and carbon farming will be enabled, especially for young research staff, also publication of the research results in renowned scientific journals and recognition of the Institute of Agriculture and the University, etc.