On the 15 May 2023, the event NATI00NS “Healthy soil + green businesses = investments in our future” was held at the EU House – Skopje in cooperation with ARNO and the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje and support of BioSense Institute from Serbia. Welcoming speeches were given by Mr. Trajko Dimkovski from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Dr. Marija Gjosheva-Kovacevic from the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje and Irina Janevska from the Association for social innovation “ARNO”.
In the opening statement, Dr. Marija Gjosheva-Kovacevic stressed the significant degradation of our soil due to industrialization, urbanization, monocultures, unsustainable agricultural practices and excessive use of harmful chemical agents, such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc. This soil degradation leads to a major decline in fertility, loss of biodiversity and rise in greenhouse gas emissions, which ultimately affects the well-being of our entire lives on our planet. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary research, innovative solutions and joint efforts from all affected parties. Scientific knowledge is our greatest hope and perspective for preserving ecosystems and agrobiodiversity, as well as fulfilling the ambitious European Green Agenda, along with other factors; however, this requires much greater investment in science and research, which is unfortunately below par in our country.
After the welcoming speeches, a representative from the BioSense Institute – Serbia presented the project NATI00NS, a European project funded under the HORIZON program, which has also put Macedonia on the map of other 43 countries where it is implemented, giving a broader context for the concept of living laboratories and beacons of knowledge.
Localization of the topic was made through a panel discussion involving representatives from the academic community (Prof. Dr. Dushko Mukaetov from the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje and Prof. Dr. Kiril Sotirovski from the Faculty of Forestry Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Eco-engineering “Hans M”), a representative from the Macedonian Ecological Society (Robertina Brajanovska), Dimitar Samardzhiev, speaker from the Association of citizens “The Greeen Arch” and the community garden “Bostanie” and Dejan Stojanovic from the Association of Citizens for Social and Economic Development “InVivo”, who talked about bio humus and employment of unprivileged people. The different profiles of panellists facilitated the discussion about the importance and condition of the soils from different economic, social and ecological aspects.
Prof. Dr. Dushko Mukaetov, as an expert in soil science from the Institute of Agriculture, expressed his great satisfaction with having the opportunity to talk about soil and its meaning as a natural resource. He highlighted the numerous functions that soil has in particular ecosystems, such as: provision of food, plant fibers and wood; carbon storage; water purification and reduction of pollutants; climate regulation; nutrient circulation; habitat for organisms; flood regulation, all of which are the foundation of the overall infrastructure of man, building materials and cultural heritage.
It is therefore necessary and urgent to implement actions affecting the improvement of sustainable management of this natural resource, especially the application of sustainable practices in agriculture and the application of innovation as precision agriculture among other things. Soil quality is essential for the development of agriculture in Macedonia, and it is necessary to implement effective practices for soil conservation from degradation and soil recultivation and remediation. Public policymakers should take particular account of repurposing of soil and management of topsoil in areas where construction activities and energy investments take place.
The event was rounded up with the conclusion that soil as a resource has natural, economic and social values and the most important message sent was that soil management and care should be the responsibility of scientific and educational institutions, farmers, governmental and non-governmental organizations, citizens, and all other affected parties.
The partnership between ARNO and the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje is based on joint commitments to promote sustainable green businesses, the importance of healthy soils and the education of citizens, especially young people. The partnership between these two entities is important for conveying the message of the event, which is a bottom-up construction of ecosystems.
Soil facts highlighted at the event:
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