On 18 March 2022 at the M6 Educational Center, the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje organized the first scientific conference dedicated to the Macedonian autochtonous wine variety Stanushina, titled as “Stanusina – An Undiscovered Macedonian Wine Story”. The event was attended by representatives from the viticulture and oenology sectors, representatives from the diplomatic corps, UKIM representatives, representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and other affected persons and organizations.
The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Viktor Gjamovski, Director of the UKIM Institute of Agriculture, and officially addressed by the rector of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Prof. Dr. Nikola Jankulovski. An honorary guest at the event was engineer agronomist Stanislav Kochutar from Maribor, Republic of Slovenia – a guardian protector of the 400-year-old Slovenian wine lineage from the Guinness Book of Records.
The event aimed to inform the public about the biological, historical and ecological value of the autochthonous Macedonian variety Stanushina, as our national treasure, as well as to encourage the viticulture and oenology sectors to promote the production of grapes and wine and increase their representation. In addition, emphasis was placed on the development of public policies for the preservation and development of autochthonous varieties, which are a prerequisite for the development of biodiversity and environment in our country.
The event was about Stanushina as an autochthonous Macedonian variety originating from the Tikvesh wine-producing region. In the past, this variety was essential for the production of renowned local red wines, but the introduction of new international grape varieties threatened its existence and preservation. This was the specific purpose of the conference – how to contribute to its greater promotion and affirmation. Oenologists described the wine of this variety as authentic, medium-bodied with explicit freshness, with medium color intensity and full of flavours reminiscent of raspberry, cornelian cherry, sour cherry, pomegranate, strawberry... The logo of the wine label of the Institute of Agriculture, which was promoted together with Stanushina wines from other wineries, has the symbolism of the Glagolitic alphabet as the first Slavic script and the letter S. “but in wine, there is truth, as it lies in word and thought” ...
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