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D-r Gordana Glatkova

Full professor

Prof. Gordana Glatkova PhD, graduated in 1997 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje, and she received her master's degree at the Faculty of Agriculture in 2003, on the topic: "Sensitivity of some varieties of green beans to some herbicides". She received her doctorate in 2010 at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje on the subject entitled: "Sensitivity of some varieties of barley to some newer herbicides depending on the stages of development". Since 2000, she is employed at the Institute of Agriculture in Skopje, in the Department of Seed Control. In 2008 was selected as an assistant in the Department of Plant Protection, and after her doctorate in 2011 she was selected as an assistant professor. In 2016, she was elected as an associate professor, and in 2020, as a full professor. In the period from 2016 until today, she was appointed Quality Manager and Head of the Seed Testing Laboratory.

Today she is a full professor in the Department of Plant Protection.

Научно истражување остварува во областa herbology (biology and ecology of weeds, integral weed protection, weed protection in organic agriculture, herbicides and their application).

Тeaches the second cycle of studies in the subjects: Plant protection in organic and biodynamic production and Legislation in organic production.