Student conference – 09/11/2023

On 9 November 2023, representatives from the Institute of Agriculture participated in the IV Student Conference “Critical issues in the agriculture and the environment” organized by the Faculty of Agriculture at the Goce Delchev University in Shtip, N. Macedonia.

Namely, the participants presented themselves with the following topics:

  • Despina Popovska Stojanov – Mead as an innovative and potential product in rural tourism in N. Macedonia
  • Brankica Spaseva and Ivo Mitrushev – The influence of Fitostemin-WP® on the yield and quality characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  • Viktor Rajchin – The impact of different methods of GA3 application on the quality of fruits of different grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) used as agro technique
  • Hristina Trisheska – The presence of selenium in the plant products of Macedonian origin"

In the category for students of the second and third cycle of studies, Despina Popovska Stojanov was awarded third place for the most successful presentation.

We are thankful to the Faculty of Agriculture for the invitation to participate in the conference and we hope for a successful further cooperation.

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